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Boussard Park

43 rue de Verdun
91510 Lardy

Latitude : 48.52055 / Longitude : 2.265

01 69 27 14 00
Jardin remarquable
Boussard Park is a garden of the "Art Deco" era created in 1927 - the only one of its kind in Île-de-France!


Its design is simple and consistent with the architectural trends of the era of "Art for All", which wanted to make beautiful with simple and economical materials: industrial bricks, concrete slabs, mosaics of broken tiles and stairs hewn sandstone.

Informations pratiques


From 01/04 to 31/10, daily between 8 am and 8 pm.

From 01/11 to 31/03, daily between 8 am and 6 pm.

Canceled or closed.


Free of charge.


Visites individuelles

Unguided individual tours available permanently
Guided individual tours on request

Visites groupées

Unguided group tours available permanently
Guided group tours on request
